
Friday, June 7, 2019

♦️Daily Vocab part 18♦️

✅171). Perception (Noun)
👉Definition: the ability to see, hear, or become aware of 
something through the senses
discernment, appreciation, recognition, realization, cog
👉Usage: the normal limits to human perception.

✅172). Controversy (Noun)
👉Definition: prolonged public disagreement or heated 
👉Synonyms: disagreement, dispute, argument, debate, 
👉Usage: the design of the building has caused 

✅173). Rival (Noun)
👉Definition: be or seem to be equal or comparable to.
👉Synonyms: compete with, vie with, match, be a 
match for, equal, emulate
👉Usage: the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of 
the Viennese

✅174). Foe (Noun)
👉Definition: an enemy or opponent
enemy, adversary, opponent, rival, nemesis, antagonist
, combatant
👉Usage: his work was praised by friends and foes alike

✅175). Furlough (Noun)
👉Definition: leave of absence, especially that granted 
to a member of the services or a missionary
👉Synonyms: liberty leave.
👉Usage: a civil servant home on furlough

✅176). Cessation (Noun)
👉Definition: the fact or process of ending or being 
brought to an end
end, ending, termination, stopping, halting, ceasing, fin
ish, finishing
👉Usage: The cessation of hostilities

✅177). Seismic (Adjective)
👉Definition: of enormous proportions or effect.
👉Synonyms: Baltic, tremulous, profound 
👉Usage: there are seismic pressures threatening 
American society

✅178). Dysfunction (Noun)
👉Definition: abnormality or impairment in the 
operation of a specified bodily organ or system.
👉Synonyms: decayed, broken, flawed, defective
👉Usage: bowel dysfunction

✅179). Clemency (Noun)
👉Definition: mercy; lenience
mercy, mercifulness, leniency, lenience, mildness, ind
ulgence, forbearance, quarter
👉Usage: an appeal for clemency

✅180). Contingent (Adjective)
👉Definition: occurring or existing only if (certain 
circumstances) are the case; dependent on
👉Synonyms: dependent, conditional; subject to, based 
on, determined by
👉Usage: his fees were contingent on the success of his 


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