
Friday, June 7, 2019

♦️Daily Vocab part 33♦️

✅321). Perennial (Adjective)
👉Definition: lasting or existing for a long or apparently 
infinite time; enduring or continually recurring.
everlasting, perpetual, eternal, continuing, unending, n
ever-ending, endless
👉Usage: his perennial distrust of the media

✅322). Chafing (Verb)
👉Definition: (with reference to a part of the body) make 
or become sore by rubbing against something
👉Synonyms: abrade, graze, grate, rub against, rub 
painfully, gall, skin, scrape, scratch, rasp
👉Usage: the collar chafed his neck

✅323). Inasmuch (Adverb)
👉Definition: to the extent that; in so far as
Synonyms: so far, since
👉Usage: these provisions apply only inasmuch as trade
between Member States is affected

✅324). Farce (Noun)
👉Definition: an event or situation that is absurd or 
absurdity, mockery, travesty, sham, pretence, masquer
ade, charade
👉Usage: the debate turned into a drunken farce

✅325). Outrage (Noun)
👉Definition: an extremely strong reaction of anger, 
shock, or indignation
indignation, fury, anger, rage, disapproval, wrath, shock, resentment
👉Usage: her voice trembled with outrage

✅326). Escalating (Verb)
👉Definition: make or become more intense or serious.
👉Synonyms: grow, develop, mushroom, increase, be 
increased, be stepped up, build up
👉Usage: the disturbance escalated into a full-scale riot

✅327). Bonhomie (Noun)
👉Definition: cheerful friendliness; geniality
geniality, congeniality, conviviality, cordiality, affability, amiability, sociability
👉Usage: he exuded good humour and bonhomie.

✅328). Exemplified (Noun)
👉Definition: be a typical example of
👉Synonyms: typify, epitomize, be a typical example 
of, serve as a typical example of
👉Usage: the best dry sherry is exemplified by the fino 
of Jerez

✅329). Dovish (Adjective)
👉Definition: tone of a language
👉Usage: Federal Reserve bank refers to inflation in a 
dovish tone

✅330). Incipient (Adjective)
👉Definition: (of a person) developing into a specified 
type or role
👉Synonyms: developing, impending, growing, 
emerging, emergent, dawning
👉Usage: we seemed more like friends than incipient


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