
Friday, June 7, 2019

♦️Daily Vocab part 36♦️

✅351). Fragile (Adjective)
👉Definition: easily destroyed or threatened
👉Synonyms: tenuous, easily broken, easily destroyed, 
easily threatened, vulnerable
👉Usage: you have a fragile grip on reality

✅352). Rapacious (Adjective)
👉Definition: aggressively greedy or grasping
👉Synonyms: grasping, greedy, avaricious, acquisitive, 
covetous, mercenary, materialistic, insatiable, 
predatory, voracious, usurious, extortionate
👉Usage: rapacious landlords

✅353). Preempt (Verb)
👉Definition: take action in order to prevent (an 
anticipated event) happening; forestall.
👉Synonyms: forestall, prevent
👉Usage: the government pre-empted a coup attempt

✅354). Solely (Adverb)
👉Definition: not involving anyone or anything else;  only
only, simply, just, merely, uniquely, exclusively, entirely, completely, absolutely, totally
👉Usage: he is solely responsible for any debts the 
company may incur

✅355). Fouled (Verb)
👉Definition: dirty; pollute
dirty, soil, stain, blacken, muddy, begrime, splash, spatter, smear
👉Usage: factories which fouled the atmosphere

✅356). Abeyance (Noun)
👉Definition: a state of temporary disuse or suspension
👉Synonyms: suspension, a state of suspension, a state 
of dormancy, a state of latency
👉Usage: matters were held in abeyance pending further 

✅357). Appetite (Noun)
👉Definition: a strong desire or liking for something
👉Synonyms: craving, longing, yearning, hankering
👉Usage: her appetite for life

✅358). Pragmatism (Noun)
👉Definition: a pragmatic attitude or policy
👉Synonyms: efficient, logical, realistic.
👉Usage: ideology had been tempered with pragmatism

✅359).Hawk (Noun)
👉Definition: a person who advocates an aggressive or 
warlike policy, especially in foreign affairs
👉Synonyms: belligerent, chauvinist 
👉Usage: severe limits were put on the peace plan by 
party hawks

✅360). Profligate (Adjective)
👉Definition: recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the 
use of resources
👉Synonyms: spendthrift, improvident, prodigal, 
👉Usage: profligate consumers of energy


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