
Friday, June 7, 2019

♦️Daily Vocab Part 39♦️

✅381). Hauled (Verb)
👉Definition: pull or drag with effort or force
👉Synonyms: drag, pull, tug, heave, hump, trail, draw, 
tow, manhandle
👉Usage: he hauled his bike out of the shed

✅382). Fray (Verb)
👉Definition: show the effects of strain
👉Synonyms: strain, tax, overtax, irritate, put on edge, 
make edgy
👉Usage: as the temperature rose, tempers frayed

✅383). Tactical (Adjective)
👉Definition: showing adroit planning; aiming at an end 
beyond the immediate action
👉Synonyms: calculated, planned, plotted, prudent, 
strategic, politic, diplomatic, judicious
👉Usage: in a tactical retreat, she moved into a hotel 
with her daughters

✅384). Legitimacy (Noun)
👉Definition: conformity to the law or to rules
👉Synonyms: justifiable, lawful, correct, certain.
👉Usage: refusal to recognize the legitimacy of both 

✅385). Muzzle (Noun)
👉Definition: the projecting part of the face, including 
the nose and mouth, of an animal such as a dog or 
👉Synonyms: snout, nose, mouth, jaws, maw
👉Usage: she patted the horse's velvety muzzle

✅386). Vituperative (Adjective)
👉Definition: bitter and abusive
👉Synonyms: contumelious, invective, opprobrious, 
scurrile (or scurril), scurrilous, truculent
👉Usage: a vituperative outburst

✅387). Naught (Pronoun)
👉Definition: Nothing
👉Synonyms: nothing, nothing at all, nought, nil, zero
👉Usage: he's naught but a worthless fool

✅388). Reiterated (Verb)
👉Definition: say something again or a number of times, 
typically for emphasis or clarity
👉Synonyms: repeat, say 
again, restate, retell, recapitulate, go over (and 
over), iterate
👉Usage: she reiterated that the government would 
remain steadfast in its support

✅389). Realism (Noun)
👉Definition: the attitude or practice of accepting a 
situation as it is and being prepared to deal with it 
👉Synonyms: pragmatism, practicality, matter-of-
factness, common sense, level-headedness
👉Usage: the summit was marked by a new mood of 

✅390).Ally (Verb)
👉Definition: combine or unite a resource or commodity 
with (another) for mutual benefit.
combine, marry, couple, merge, amalgamate, join, pool, fuse, weld
👉Usage: he allied his racing experience with his father's 
business acumen


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