
Friday, June 7, 2019

♦️Daily Vocab part 44♦️

✅431). Adjudicative (Verb)
👉Definition: to settle or determine (an issue or dispute) 
👉Synonyms: Conclusion, decision, determination.
👉Usage: This is the adjudicative for this problem

✅432). Dithering (Verb)
👉Definition: be indecisive
hesitate, falter, waver, teeter, vacillate, oscillate, fluctuate, change one's mind
👉Usage: I can't bear people who dither

✅433). Obliged (Verb)
👉Definition: make (someone) legally or morally bound 
to do something.
👉Synonyms: require, compel, bind, make, constrain, 
obligate, force, put under an obligation
👉Usage: doctors are obliged by law to keep patients 
alive while there is a chance of recovery

✅434). Reluctant (Adjective)
👉Definition: unwilling and hesitant; disinclined
👉Synonyms: unwilling, disinclined, unenthusiastic, 
grudging, resistant, resisting, opposed
👉Usage: today, many ordinary people are still reluctant
to talk about politics

✅435). Conscientious (Adjective)
👉Definition: wishing to do one's work or duty well and 
👉Usage: a conscientious man, he took his duties very 

✅436). Empanelled (Verb)
👉Definition: enrol (someone) on to a jury
👉Usage: several of her friends have been empanelled

✅437). Elusive (Adjective)
👉Definition: difficult to find, catch, or achieve
👉Synonyms: difficult to catch/find, difficult to track 
👉Usage: success will become ever more elusive

✅438). Shambles (Noun)
👉Definition: a state of total disorder.
chaos, mess, muddle, confusion, disorder, disarray, dis
organization, havoc
👉Usage: my career was in a shambles

✅439). Heed (Verb)
👉Definition: pay attention to; take notice of.
👉Synonyms: pay attention to, take notice of, take note 
of, pay heed to, be heedful of, attend to
👉Usage: he should have heeded the warnings

✅440). Fissures (Noun)
👉Definition: a state of incompatibility or disagreement
👉Synonyms: difference of opinion, dispute
👉Usage: a fissure between philosophy and reality


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