
Friday, June 7, 2019

♦️Daily vocab part 47♦️

✅461). Heft (Verb)
👉Definition: the weight of someone or something
👉Synonyms: weight, mass
👉Usage: he was buckle-kneed from the heft of his 
staggering load

✅462). Mere (Adjective)
👉Definition: used to emphasize how small or 
insignificant someone or something is
trifling, meagre, bare, trivial, paltry, basic, scant, scanty, skimpy, minimal,
👉Usage: questions that cannot be answered by mere

✅463). Consortium (Noun)
👉Definition: an association, typically of several 
👉Synonyms: gang, group
👉Usage: the amount awarded for loss of consortium
must be included

✅464). Siphoning (Verb)
👉Definition: draw off or transfer over a period of time, 
especially illegally or unfairly
👉Synonyms: Convey, carry
👉Usage: he's been siphoning money off the firm

✅465). Malfeasance (Noun)
👉Definition: wrongdoing, especially (US) by a public 
👉Synonyms: malpractice, malfunction, dishonest
👉Usage: malfeasance in the financial world are 
currently being investigated.

✅466). Infuse (Verb)
👉Definition: fill; pervade.
fill, pervade, permeate, suffuse, charge, saturate, imbue, inspire
👉Usage: her work is infused with an anger born of pain 
and oppression

✅467). Intent (Noun)
👉Definition: determined to do (something)
bent, set, determined, insistent, fixed, resolved, hell-
bent, keen
👉Usage: the government was intent on achieving 
greater efficiency...

✅468). Undaunted (Adjective)
👉Definition: not intimidated or discouraged by 
difficulty, danger, or disappointment.
unafraid, undismayed, unalarmed, unflinching, unshrin
king, unabashed, unfaltering
👉Usage: they were undaunted by the huge amount of 
work needed

✅469). Myriad (Noun)
👉Definition: a countless or extremely great number of 
people or things.
👉Synonyms: multitude, a large/great 
number/quantity, a lot, scores, quantities, mass
👉Usage: myriads of insects danced around the light 
above my head.

✅470). Mooted (Verb)
👉Definition: raise (a question or topic) for discussion; 
suggest (an idea or possibility)
👉Synonyms: raise, bring up, broach, mention, put 
forward, introduce, advance, present
👉Usage: the scheme was first mooted last October


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