
Friday, June 7, 2019

♦️Daily Vocab part 50♦️

✅491). Reiteration (Noun)
👉Definition: the action of repeating something, 
typically for emphasis or clarity
👉Synonyms: Echo, Renew, Repeat.
👉Usage: the reiteration of his campaign promise to cut 

✅492). Apprehensions (Noun)
👉Definition: anxiety or fear that something bad or 
unpleasant will happen
anxiety, angst, alarm, worry, uneasiness, unease, nervo
👉Usage: he felt sick with apprehension

✅493). Intimidation (Noun)
👉Definition: the action of intimidating someone, or the 
state of being intimidated
frightening, menacing, terrifying, scaring, alarming, ter
👉Usage: the intimidation of witnesses and jurors

✅494). Taint (Noun)
👉Definition: a trace of a bad or undesirable substance 
or quality
trace, touch, suggestion, hint, tinge, tincture
👉Usage: the lingering taint of creosote

✅495). Inasmuch (Adverb)
👉Definition: to the extent that; in so far as
👉Synonyms: Because, Since, While
👉Usage: These provisions apply only inasmuch as 
trade between Member States is affected

✅496). Turbulent (Adjective)
👉Definition: characterized by conflict, disorder, or 
confusion; not stable or calm
tempestuous, stormy, unstable, unsettled, tumultuous,
👉Usage: the country's turbulent history

✅497). Apex (Noun)
👉Definition: the highest point of achievement; a climax.
👉Synonyms: climax, culmination, culminating 
point, apotheosis
👉Usage: the apex of his career was in 1966 when he 
hoisted aloft the World Cup for England

✅498). Wield (Verb)
👉Definition: hold and use (a weapon or tool)
brandish, flourish, wave, twirl, display, flaunt, hold 
👉Usage: a masked raider wielding a handgun

✅499). Diversification (Noun)
👉Definition: the action of making or becoming more 
diverse or varied
👉Synonyms: different, diverse
👉Usage: growers should start planning diversification
of crops

✅500). Offensive (Adjective)
👉Definition: causing someone to feel resentful, upset, 
or annoyed
insulting, rude, derogatory, disrespectful, hurtful, wounding, abusive
👉Usage: the allegations made are deeply offensive to us


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