
Friday, June 7, 2019

♦️Daily vocab part 56♦️

✅551). Disguise (Verb)
👉Definition: give (someone or oneself) a different 
appearance in order to conceal one's identity.
👉Synonyms: dress oneself up as, pass oneself of as, 
pretend to be, impersonate
👉Usage: he disguised himself as a girl

✅552). Blurriness (Noun)
👉Definition: the quality of being unclear or indistinct
👉Synonyms: dim, muddy, obscure, darken
👉Usage: my apologies for the blurriness of the photo

✅553). Rampaging (Verb)
👉Definition: (especially of a large group of people) 
move through a place in a violent and uncontrollable 
👉Synonyms: rush wildly/madly, riot, run riot, go on the 
rampage, run amok
👉Usage: several thousand demonstrators rampaged
through the city

✅554). Ransom (Noun)
👉Definition: a sum of money demanded or paid for the 
release of a captive
👉Synonyms: pay off, price, payment
👉Usage: the kidnappers demanded a ransom

✅555). Vigilantist (Noun)
👉Definition: law enforcement undertaken without legal 
authority by a self-appointed group of people.
👉Synonyms: conservator, chaperon, cerberus 
👉Usage: the message here is not to encourage

✅556). Resurgent (Adjective)
👉Definition: increasing or reviving after a period of 
little activity, popularity, or occurrence
👉Synonyms: recovery, rebirth, rebound
👉Usage: resurgent nationalism

✅557). Pragmatic (Adjective)
👉Definition: dealing with things sensibly and 
realistically in a way that is based on practical rather 
than theoretical considerations.
👉Synonyms: efficient, realistic, hardheaded
👉Usage: a pragmatic approach to politics

✅558). Inconclusive (Adjective)
👉Definition: not leading to a firm conclusion or result; 
not ending doubt or dispute
👉Synonyms: indecisive, proving nothing, resolving 
nothing, leaving matters open; indefinite
👉Usage: three years of inconclusive negotiations

✅559). Tangle (Verb)
👉Definition: twist together into a confused mass
entangle, snarl, catch, entwine, intertwine, intertwist, t
wist, ravel, knot
👉Usage: the broom somehow got tangled up in my long 

✅560). Credentials (Noun)
👉Definition: a qualification, achievement, quality, or 
aspect of a person's background, especially when used 
to indicate their suitability for something.
👉Synonyms: documents, papers, identity papers, 
identification papers, bona fides
👉Usage: recruitment is based mainly on academic 


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