
Friday, June 7, 2019

♦️Daily vocab part 59♦️

✅581). Auctioneer (Noun)
👉Definition: a person who conducts auctions by 
accepting bids and declaring goods sold.
👉Synonyms: agent, dealer
Usage: he worked as Auctioneer

✅582). Vigilant (Adjective)
👉Definition: keeping careful watch for possible danger 
or difficulties.
👉Synonyms: watchful, on the 
lookout, observant, sharp-eyed, keen-eyed, gimlet-
👉Usage: the burglar was spotted by vigilant neighbours

✅583). Stewardship (Noun)
👉Definition: the job of supervising or taking care of 
something, such as an organization or property.
👉Synonyms: Control, maintenance, Protection, 
👉Usage: the funding and stewardship of the NHS

✅584). Sanguineness (Adjective)
👉Definition: Cheerfully confident optimistic
👉Synonyms: At ease, accepting
👉Usage: sanguine about the prospects for an improved 

✅585). Choking (Verb)
👉Definition: (of a person or animal) have severe 
difficulty in breathing because of a constricted or 
obstructed throat or a lack of air.
👉Synonyms: gag, retch, cough, struggle for air, fight 
for breath, gasp
👉Usage: Willie choked on a mouthful of tea

✅586). Centric (Adjective)
👉Definition: in or at the centre; central.
👉Synonyms: Center, Middle, Nucleus. 
👉Usage: centric and peripheral forces

✅587). Formidable (Adjective)
👉Definition: inspiring fear or respect through being 
impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable.
intimidating, forbidding, redoubtable, daunting, alarming, frightening
👉Usage: a formidable opponent

✅588). Adversary (Noun)
👉Definition: one's opponent in a contest, conflict, or 
opponent, rival, enemy, foe, nemesis, antagonist, combatant, challenger
👉Usage: Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-

✅589). Refurbish (Verb)
👉Definition: renovate and redecorate (something, 
especially a building).
👉Synonyms: renovate, recondition, rehabilitate, 
revamp, make over, overhaul
👉Usage: the premises have been completely
refurbished in our corporate style

✅590). Nuance (Noun)
👉Definition: a subtle difference in or shade of 
meaning, expression, or sound.
👉Synonyms: fine distinction, subtle, 
distinction/difference, shade, shading, gradation, 
👉Usage: he was familiar with the nuances of the local 


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