
Friday, June 7, 2019

Important Banking Abbreviations Part No:-02

CRR -Cash Reserve Ratio.

CSR- Corporate Social Responsibility 

CTI -Country Threat Index.

CTR -Click-Through Rate 

CTS- Cheque Truncation System 

DPG -Deferred Payment Guarantee

DPN- Demand Promissory Note

DPO- Days Payable Outstanding

DRAT- Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal

DRI- Differential Rate Of Interest

DSCR- Debt Service Coverage Ratio

DTAA- Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement.

EADB- East African Development Bank.

EBRD- European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

ECB- External Commercial Borrowings.

ECS- Electronic Clearing System.

EDF- Export Development Fund

EDI -Electronic Data Internchange

EDP -Entrepreneurship Development Programme

EEFC -Exchange Earners’ Foreign Currency

EFTPOS -Electronic Funds Transfer At Point Of Sale

EIB -European Investment Bank.

ELSS -Equity Linked Saving Scheme.

EMI- Equated Monthly Instalments

EPFO -Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation

EPOS- Electronic Point Of Sale

EPS- Earning per Share

ESOP- Employee Stock Options

EVA- Electronic Virtual Assistant

EXIM -Export Import Bank of India.

FCA- Foreign Currency Assets.

FCCB -Foreign Currency Convertible Bond

FCNR -Foreign Currency Non Resident Deposit Accounts

FCNRA -Foreign Currency Non resident Account.

FDI- Foreign Direct Investment.

FEDAI -Foreign Exchange Dealers Association Of India

FERA -Foreign Exchange Regulation Act.

FICCI -Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

FII -Foreign Institutional Investor.

FIMMDA -Fixed Income Money Markets and Derivatives Association.

FINO- Financial Information Network and Operation Limited

FIPB- Foreign Investment Promotion Board.

FOB -Free On Board

FSB- Financial Stability Board

FPI -Foreign Portfolio Investment.

FSRASC -Financial Sector Regulatory Appointment Search Committee


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