
Monday, June 3, 2019

Some Important Computer Abbreviations - Part::2

  1. ·        OCR - Optical Character Readers
  2. ·        ODBC - Open Data Base Connectivity
  3. ·        OLE - Object Linking And Embedding
  4. ·        OMR - Optical Mark Reader
  5. ·        ONE - Open Network Architecture
  6. ·        OOA - Object Orient Analysis
  7. ·        OOAD - Object-Oriented Analysis And Design
  8. ·        OOP - Object Oriented Programming
  9. ·        OOPS - Object Oriented Programming System
  10. ·        OPEN GL - Open Graphics Library
  11. ·        OS - Operating System
  12. ·        OSI - Open System Interconnection
  13. ·        PC - Personal Computer
  14. ·        PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect
  15. ·        PCMCIA - Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
  16. ·        PDA - Personal Digital Assistant
  17. ·        PDF - Portable Document Format
  18. ·        PDL - Page Description Language
  19. ·        PDU - Protocol Data Unit
  20. ·        PIC - Programming Interrupt Control
  21. ·        PILOT - Programmed Inquiry Learning Or Teaching
  22. ·        PLA - Programmable Logic Array
  23. o   PLC - Programmable Logic Controller
  24. o   PNG - Portable Network Graphics
  25. o   PNP - Plug And Play
  26. o   PPP - Peer To Peer Protocol
  27. o   PPTP - Point To Point Tunneling Protocol
  28. o   PROM - Programmable Read Only Memory
  29. o   PS - Post Script
  30. o   RADSL - Rate Adaptive Digital Subscribes Line
  31. o   RAID - Redundant Array Of Independent Disks
  32. o   RAM - Random Access Memory
  33. o   RAMDAC - Random Access Memory Digital To Analog Converter
  34. o   RAS - Remote Access Network
  35. o   RD RAM - Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory
  36. o   RDBMS - Relational Data Base Management System
  37. o   RDO - Remote Data Objects
  38. o   RDP - Remote Desktop Protocol
  39. o   RFC - Request For Comments
  40. o   RGB - Red Green Blue
  41. o   RICS - Reduced Instruction Set Computer
  42. o   RIP - Raster Image Processor
  43. o   RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer
  44. o   ROM - Read Only Memory
  45. o   RPC - Remote Procedure Call
  46. o   RTC - Real Time Clock
  47. o   RTF - Rich Text Format
  48. o   RTOS - Real Time Operating System
  49. o   SACK  - Selective Acknowledgements
  50. o   SAM - Security Access Manager
  51. o   SAP - Service Access Point, Systems ApplicationsProducts
  52. o   SCMP -  Software Configuration Management Plan
  53. o   SD RAM - Synchronous Dynamic Random AccessMemory
  54. o   SDD  - Software Design Description
  55. ·        SDK - Software Development Kit
  56. ·        SDL - Storage Definition Language
  57. ·        SDN - Integrated Service Digital Network
  58. ·        SDSL - Symmetric Digital Subscribes Line
  59. ·        SG RAM - Synchronous Graphics Random AccessMemory
  60. ·        SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language
  61. ·        SIM - Subscriber Identification Module
  62. ·        SIMD - Single Instruction Multiple Data
  63. ·        SISD - Single Instruction Single Data
  64. ·        SIU - Serial Interface Unit
  65. ·        SMP - Symmetric MultiProcess
  66. ·        SMS - Short Message Service
  67. ·        SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
  68. ·        SNA - System Network Architecture
  69. ·        SNAP - Sub Network Access Protocol
  70. ·        lSNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol
  71. ·        SNOBOL - String Oriented Symbolic Language
  72. ·        SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol
  73. ·        SPX - Sequenced Packet Exchange
  74. ·        SQA - Statistical Quality Assurance
  75. ·        SQL - Structured Query Language
  76. ·        SRAM - Static Random Access Memory
  77. ·        SRS - Software Requirements Specification
  78. ·        STP - Shielded Twisted Pair
  79. ·        SVVP - Software Verification And Validation Plan
  80. ·        SW - Software
  81. ·        TAPI - Telephony Application Program Interface
  82. ·        TB - Tera Bytes
  83. ·        TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
  84. ·        TCPIP - Transmission Control Protocol InternetProtocol
  85. ·        TDI - Transport Data Interface
  86. ·        TDMA - Time Division Multiple Access
  87. ·        TPM - Transactions Processing Monitor
  88. ·        TSR - Terminate And Stay Residents
  89. ·        UDD - User Datagram Protocol
  90. ·        UDP - User Datagram Protocol
  91. ·        UI - User Interface
  92. ·        UML - Unified Modelling Language
  93. ·        UNC - Universal Naming Convention
  94. ·        UNIX - Uniplexed Information And ComputerSystems
  95. ·        URL - Universal Resource Locator
  96. ·        USB - Universal Serial Bus
  97. ·        USRT - Universal Synchronous ReceiverTransmitted
  98. ·        UTP  -Unshielded Twisted Pair
  99. ·        VAN - Virtual Area Network
  100. ·        VAST - Very Small Aperture Terminal
  101. ·        VB - Visual Basic
  102. ·        VC++ - Visual C++
  103. ·        VCD - Video Compact Disc
  104. ·        VDL - View Definition Language
  105. ·        VGA - Video Graphics Array
  106. ·        VHS - Video Home System
  107. ·        VLIW - Very Long Instruction Words
  108. ·        VLSI - Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits
  109. ·        VPN - Virtual Private Network
  110. ·        VRAM - Video Random Access Memory
  111. ·        VRML - Virtual Reality Modelling Language
  112. ·        VS - Visual Studio
  113. ·        VVR - Software Validation And Validation Report
  114. ·        VXD - Virtual Device Driver
  115. ·        W3C - World Wide Web Consortium
  116. ·        WAIS - Wide Area Information Servers
  117. ·        WAN - Wide Area Network
  118. ·        WAP - Wireless Application Protocol
  119. ·        WBEM - WebBase Enterprise Management
  120. ·        WDM - Wave Division Multiplexing


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