
Friday, June 7, 2019

Vocabulary 15

1. SANCTITY (NOUN): (पवित्रता): holiness 
Synonyms: divinity, purity 
Antonyms: meanness, cheapness 
Example Sentence: 
The site of the tomb was a place of sanctity for the ancient Egyptians. 

2. DEESCALATE (VERB): (ख़राब करना): erode 
Synonyms: diminish, impair 
Antonyms: develop, intensify 
Example Sentence: 
Smoking can deescalate your health. 

3. PODGY (ADJECTIVE): (मोटा): slightly fat
Synonyms: chunky, flabby 
Antonyms: lean, skinny 
Example Sentence: 
When I stopped jogging, I became podgy. 

4. POMPOUS (ADJECTIVE): (आडम्बरपूर्ण): arrogant, egotistic
Synonyms: boastful, selfish 
Antonyms: humble, kind
Example Sentence: 
Because the movie star was pompous, she spent most of her time looking into the mirror. 

5. POTPOURRI (NOUN):  (मिश्रण): miscellany 
Synonyms: assortment, blend 
Antonyms: separation, singularity
Example Sentence: 
New York City is a potpourri of various nationalities and religions. 

6. BANTER (NOUN):  (मज़ाक): teasing 
Synonyms: chaff, fun 
Antonyms: flattery, praise
Example Sentence: 
If the banter between the award presenters is not exciting, no one will watch the show. 

7. DEFERMENT (NOUN):  (स्थगन): postponement
Synonyms: suspension, adjournment 
Antonyms: continuation, persistence 
Example Sentence: 
The news predict the deferment of the elections. 

8. YORE (NOUN):  (बीता हुआ समय): time gone by
Synonyms: history, antiquity 
Antonyms: future, present
Example Sentence: 
In the days of yore, the Internet did not exist. 

9. VOCIFEROUS (ADJECTIVE):  (कोलाहलकारी): loud
Synonyms: boisterous, clamorous 
Antonyms: low, quiet
Example Sentence: 
He was a vociferous opponent of the takeover. 

10. FRAUGHT (ADJECTIVE):  (भरपूर): full of 
Synonyms: filled, replete 
Antonyms: empty, void
Example Sentence: 
Marketing any new product is fraught with danger.


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