
Friday, June 7, 2019


1. TWEAK (VERB): (परिवर्तन करना): modify
Synonyms: alter, change 
Antonyms: retain, remain
Example Sentence: 
She may be prepared to tweak her views. 

2. SPAR (VERB): (झगड़ना): argue 
Synonyms: quarrel, fight 
Antonyms: agree, concede 
Example Sentence: 
They spar regularly over food and clothing. 

3. CINCH (NOUN): (आसान-काम): cakewalk
Synonyms: piece of cake, child’s play 
Antonyms: difficult activity, exhausting task 
Example Sentence: 
I've done it before—it's a cinch.

4. ORNERY (ADJECTIVE): (चिड़चिड़ा): cranky
Synonyms: grouchy, grumpy 
Antonyms: friendly, kind
Example Sentence: 
He was an ornery old businessman. 

5. RABID (ADJECTIVE): (उन्मत्त): maniacal 
Synonyms: frenzied, zealous 
Antonyms: apathetic, indifferent 
Example Sentence: 
The show is small but rabid fan base. 

6. THRONG (NOUN): (भीड़): bunch 
Synonyms: flock, mass 
Antonyms: individual, one
Example Sentence: 
Namit pushed his way through the throng. 

7. INCERTITUDE (NOUN): (संदेह): uncertainty
Synonyms: doubt, insecurity 
Antonyms: certainty, certitude 
Example Sentence: 
Some schools broke down under the stresses of policy incertitude. 

8. TENUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (कमज़ोर): weak, thin 
Synonyms: delicate, insubstantial 
Antonyms: certain, strong 
Example Sentence: 
The light may be an exceedingly tenuous cometary tail to the earth. 

9. ANNEX (NOUN): (पूरक अंश): addendum
Synonyms: appendix, adjunct 
Antonyms: base, lessening
Example Sentence: 
The first ten amendments were annexed to the Constitution in 1791. 

10. UNREFUTED (ADJECTIVE): (सही): accurate
Synonyms: authentic, definite 
Antonyms: incorrect, indefinite
Example Sentence: 
Srishti has completed an unrefuted task. 


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