
Friday, June 7, 2019


1. SNITCH (VERB): (प्रकट करना) reveal 
Synonyms: divulge, evince 
Antonyms: conceal, suppress 
Example Sentence: 
Today Akshima is going to snitch her secret.

2. NUMB (ADJECTIVE): (सुन्न) dazed 
Synonyms: indifferent, frozen 
Antonyms: lively, compassionate 
Example Sentence: 
The cold had numbed her senses. 

3. ASTRAY (ADVERB): (गुमराह, भूला-भटका) afield 
Synonyms: adrift, off target 
Antonyms: stable, anchored 
Example Sentence: 
The gunman claimed that the shots had gone astray. 

4. JESTED (VERB): (तानाशाही) banter 
Synonyms: chaff, deride
Antonyms: commend, compliment 
Example Sentence: 
Don't kick up the dust, you infantry!" jested hussar. 

5. SEETHING (VERB): (नाराज़ होना) be very angry 
Synonyms: boil, flare 
Antonyms: be happy, freeze 
Example Sentence: 
He seethed at his brother's blunder. 

6. DAINTY (ADJECTIVE): (सूक्ष्म) delicately small and pretty 
Synonyms: petite, cute 
Antonyms: ugly, repulsive 
Example Sentence: 
The puppy’s dainty nose looked very cute, convincing everybody’s to love it. 

7. ABLUTION (NOUN): (स्नान, मज्जन) the act of washing 
Synonyms: cleansing, decontamination 
Antonyms: contamination, pollution 
Example Sentence: 
Mina performed the ablution of the wound and applied some disinfectant to avoid further infection. 

8. AMBLE (VERB): (टहलना) to walk casually 
Synonyms: stroll, wander 
Antonym: rush, dash 
Example Sentence: 
Rashmi rather ambled through the halls than attend the session. 

9. COVET (VERB): (ललचाना) to greatly desire something you lack 
Synonyms: crave, fancy to 
Antonyms: abjure, hate 
Example Sentence: 
Vikram tends to covet quality time with his family. 

10. BUNGLE (VERB): (गड़बड़ करना) botch 
Synonyms: fudge, err 
Antonyms: succeed, do well 
Example Sentence: 
My boss will fire me if I bungle this project.



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