
Friday, June 7, 2019

♦️Daily Vocab 48♦️

✅471). Loopholes (Noun)
👉Definition: an ambiguity or inadequacy in the law or a 
set of rules
👉Synonyms: means of evasion/avoidance, means of 
escape, escape clause, escape route
👉Usage: they exploited tax loopholes

✅472). Senators (Noun)
👉Definition: a member of a senate, in particular a 
member of the US Senate
👉Usage: Senator Vandenburg

✅473). Tyranny (Noun)
👉Definition: cruel and oppressive government or rule
👉Synonyms: despotism, absolutism, absolute 
power, autocracy, dictatorship
👉Usage: refugees fleeing tyranny and oppression

✅474). Ingrained (Adjective)
👉Definition: (of a habit, belief, or attitude) firmly fixed 
or established; difficult to change.
👉Synonyms: entrenched, established, fixed, implanted, 
👉Usage: his deeply ingrained Catholic convictions

✅475). Juncture (Noun)
👉Definition: a particular point in events or time.
👉Synonyms: point, point in 
time, time, moment, moment in time, stage
👉Usage: it is difficult to say at this juncture whether 
this upturn can be sustained

✅476). Foiled (Verb)
👉Definition: prevent (something considered wrong or 
undesirable) from succeeding
👉Synonyms: thwart, frustrate, counter, oppose, baulk, 
disappoint, impede, obstruct
👉Usage: a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

✅477).Shelled (Verb)
👉Definition: having a protective outer case or covering.
👉Synonyms: protection, cover, preserving.
👉Usage: crabs and other shelled creatures

✅478).Monstrosity (Noun)
👉Definition: a thing which is outrageously evil or 
👉Synonyms: mutant, mutation, freak, freak of nature, 
monster, abortion, malformation
👉Usage: how could anyone be capable of such 

✅479).Brutality (Noun)
👉Definition: savage physical violence; great cruelty
👉Synonyms: savagery, cruelty, bloodthirstiness, 
viciousness, ferocity, barbarity
👉Usage: brutality against civilians

✅480).Unleashed (Verb)
👉Definition: cause (a strong or violent force) to be 
released or become unrestrained
👉Synonyms: discharge, release, free
👉Usage: the failure of the talks could unleash more 


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