
Friday, June 7, 2019


1. BRACE (VERB): fortify:(तैयार करना) 
Synonyms: gird, prepare 
Antonyms: free, let go 
Example sentence: 
The posts were braced by timber.

2. TURGID (ADJECTIVE): swollen:(सूजा हुआ) 
Synonyms: bloated, disintended 
Antonyms: plain, simple 
Example sentence:
A turgid river was ahead his way. 

3. TROVE (NOUN): accretion:(जमाव) 
Synonyms: aggregation, agglomeration 
Antonyms: subtraction, dispersal 
Example sentence:
I saw the cellar contained a trove of rare wine. 

4. TURBID (ADJECTIVE): dense:(गंदा) 
Synonyms: muddy, murky 
Antonyms: clear, neat 
Example sentence:
It was a turbid weather. 

5. TWINGE (NOUN): sharp pain:(टीस) 
Synonyms: ache, pang 
Antonyms: advantage, blessing 
Example sentence:
I was feeling twinge in my heels. 

6. TAWDRY (ADJECTIVE): tacky:(घटिया) 
Synonyms: cheap, sleazy 
Antonyms: nice, tasteful 
Example sentence:
His house was in a tawdry location. 

7. DIRE (ADJECTIVE): urgent:(भीषण) 
Synonyms: drastic, extreme
Antonyms: calm, mild
Example sentence: 
The dire need is there to save water.

8. SAVVY (ADJECTIVE): calculating:( जानकार)
Synonyms: cunning, impeachable
Antonyms: blameless, innocent
Example sentence: 
Why are you being so savvy?

9. CULPABLE (ADJECTIVE): guilty:(आपराधिक)
Synonyms: indictable, blameworthy
Antonyms: upset, hurt
Example sentence: 
He is a culpable minister.

10. CONCOMITANT (ADJECTIVE): contributing:(सहगामी)
Synonyms: adjuvant, coefficient
Antonyms: unrelated, accidental
Example sentence: 
She loved mountaineering, with all its concomitant worries.


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