
Friday, June 7, 2019

♦️Daily Vocab Part 27♦️

✅261). Hasten (Verb)
👉Definition: cause (something, especially something 
undesirable) to happen sooner than it otherwise would
👉Synonyms: speed up, make faster, accelerate, 
quicken, precipitate, expedite, advance.
👉Usage: this tragedy probably hastened his own death 
from heart disease

✅262). Flagrant (Adjective)
👉Definition: conspicuously or obviously offensive
blatant, glaring, obvious, overt, evident, conspicuous
👉Usage: a flagrant violation of the law

✅263). Eschewed (Verb)
👉Definition: deliberately avoid using; abstain from
👉Synonyms: abstain from, refrain from, give up, forgo, 
forswear, shun, renounce
👉Usage: he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

✅264). Provocative (Adjective)
👉Definition: causing anger or another strong reaction, 
especially deliberately
annoying, irritating, exasperating, infuriating, provokin
g, maddening
👉Usage: a provocative article

✅265). Bipartisanship (Noun)
👉Definition: agreement or cooperation between two 
political parties that usually oppose each other's 
👉Synonyms: Partnership 
👉Usage: a renewed spirit of political bipartisanship

✅266). Carnage (Noun)
👉Definition: the killing of a large number of people
👉Synonyms: slaughter, massacre, mass murder, mass 
destruction, butchery
👉Usage: the bombing was timed to cause as much 
carnage as possible

✅267). Adherence (Noun)
👉Definition: attachment or commitment to a person, 
cause, or belief
👉Synonyms: attachment, sticky, sticking, adhering, 
clinging, tacky
👉Usage: a strict adherence to etiquette

✅268). Hawks (Noun)
👉Definition: a person who advocates an aggressive or 
warlike policy, especially in foreign affairs
👉Synonyms: advocate.
👉Usage: severe limits were put on the peace plan by 
party hawks

✅269). Prudence (Noun)
👉Definition: the quality of being prudent; cautiousness
👉Synonyms: wisdom, judgement, good 
judgement, judiciousness, sagacity
👉Usage: we need to exercise prudence in such 
important matters

✅270). Unremunerative (Adjective)
👉Definition: bringing little or no profit or income
👉Synonyms: gain less, profitless 
👉Usage: unremunerative research work


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