
Friday, June 7, 2019

♦️Daily Vocab Part 29♦️

✅281). Jolted (Verb)
👉Definition: give a surprise or shock to (someone) in 
order to make them act or change
👉Synonyms: startle, surprise, shock, stun, shake
👉Usage: she tried to jolt him out of his depression

✅282). Lone (Adjective)
👉Definition: having no companions; solitary or single
solitary, single, solo, unaccompanied, unescorted, alone
👉Usage: I approached a lone drinker across the bar

✅283). Imperious (Adjective)
👉Definition: arrogant and domineering.
👉Synonyms: peremptory, high-handed, commanding, 
imperial, overbearing, overweening
👉Usage: his imperious demands

✅284). Alienated (Verb)
👉Definition: make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.
👉Synonyms: estrange, turn away, set apart, drive apart, 
isolate, detach
👉Usage: an urban environment which would alienate
its inhabitants

✅285). Relying (Verb)
👉Definition: depend on with full trust or confidence
👉Synonyms: depend, count, bank, place reliance, 
bargain, plan
👉Usage: I know I can rely on your discretion

✅286). Verdict (Noun)
👉Definition: a decision on an issue of fact in a civil or 
criminal case or an inquest
👉Synonyms: Judgement, adjudication, adjudgement, 
decision, finding, ruling
👉Usage: the jury returned a verdict of not guilty

✅287). Vindication (Noun)
👉Definition: the action of clearing someone of blame or 
👉Synonyms: prove, justify, disprove, refute
👉Usage: I intend to work to ensure my full vindication

✅288). Jaded (Adjective)
👉Definition: bored or lacking enthusiasm, typically 
after having had too much of something. 
satiated, sated, surfeited, glutted, cloyed, gorged
👉Usage: meals to tempt the most jaded appetites

✅289). Envisaged (Verb)
👉Definition: contemplate or conceive of as a possibility 
or a desirable future event
👉Usage: the Rome Treaty envisaged free movement 
across frontiers

✅290). Inflate (Verb)
👉Definition: fill (a balloon, tyre, or other expandable 
structure) with air or gas so that it becomes distended
👉Synonyms: blown up, aerated, filled, puffed up, 
puffed out, pumped up
👉Usage: never use an air line on a garage forecourt to
inflate your tyres


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