
Friday, June 7, 2019

♦️Daily Vocab part 32♦️

✅311). Sojourn (Noun)
👉Definition: a temporary stay
👉Synonyms: stay, visit, stop, stopover, residence
👉Usage: her sojourn in Rome

✅312).Hyped (Noun)
👉Definition: a situation in which something is 
advertised and discussed in newspapers, on television
👉Synonyms: publicize, advertise, promote, push, boost, 
👉Usage: There's been a lot of hype around/surrounding 
his latest film

✅313). Luster (Noun)
👉Definition: a gentle sheen or soft glow.
sheen, gloss, glossiness, shine, brightness, radiance, burnish, polish, patina
👉Usage: the lustre of the Milky Way

✅314). Troika (Noun)
👉Definition: group of three
👉Usage: They are Troika officers for this office.

✅315). Leapt (Verb)
👉Definition: jump or spring a long way, to a great 
height, or with great force
👉Synonyms: jump over, jump, vault over, vault, spring 
over, bound over
👉Usage: he leapt on to the parapet

✅316). Prodigies (Noun)
👉Definition: a young person with exceptional qualities 
or abilities
👉Synonyms: child genius, genius, wonder child, mastermind, virtuoso
👉Usage: a Russian pianist who was a child prodigy in 
his day

✅317). Disgruntled (Adjective)
👉Definition: angry or dissatisfied.
dissatisfied, discontented, aggrieved, resentful, fed 
up, displeased
👉Usage: judges receive letters from disgruntled 
members of the public

✅318). Belligerent (Adjective)
👉Definition: hostile and aggressive
hostile, aggressive, threatening, antagonistic, pugnacio
us, bellicose,
👉Usage: the mood at the meeting was belligerent

✅319). Ally (Noun)
👉Definition: combine or unite a resource or commodity 
with (another) for mutual benefit.
👉Synonyms: combine, marry, couple, merge, 
amalgamate, join, pool, fuse, weld, knit
👉Usage: he allied his racing experience with his father's 
business acumen

✅320). Reluctant (Adjective)
👉Definition: unwilling and hesitant; disinclined
unwilling, disinclined, unenthusiastic, grudging, resistant, resisting, opposed
👉Usage: today, many ordinary people are still reluctant
to talk about politics


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