
Friday, June 7, 2019


1. OVERRIDING (ADJECTIVE): (सर्वोच्च) main 
Synonyms: paramount, prevailing 
Antonyms: auxiliary, insignificant 
Example sentence: 
The overriding concern of the organizers was the financial crisis. 

2. FURNISH (VERB): (देना) provide 
Synonyms: dispense, issue 
Antonyms: receive, deny 
Example sentence:
The ATM furnished the money.
3. SLEW (NOUN): (अधिक मात्रा) abundance 
Synonyms: aggregation, bunch 
Antonyms: little, need 
Example sentence: 
There was a slew of currency notes in the bank. 

4. DIFFIDENT (ADJECTIVE): (शर्मीला) bashful 
Synonyms: meek, timid 
Antonyms: confident, extroverted 
Example sentence:
Don’t be a diffident spectator if crime is taking place before your very eyes. 

5. ANNUL (VERB): (अन्त करना) abolish 
Synonyms: abrogate, cancel 
Antonyms: allow, continue 
Example sentence:
The practice of immolation had been annulled already. 

6. TRAGIC (ADJECTIVE): (भयंकर) appalling 
Synonyms: awful, deplorable 
Antonyms: pleasant, wonderful 
Example sentence: 
Merriam saw the tragic women of the wards. 

7. DEMURE (ADJECTIVE): (संकोची) reserved 
Synonyms: shy, reticent 
Antonyms: bold, brave 
Example sentence: 
Aneesh is a demure person. 

8. INNUNDATE (VERB): (अभिभूत करना) have a strong emotional effect on. 
Synonyms: touch, overwhelm 
Antonyms: underwhelm, unimpressed 
Example sentence: 
The criminal was overwhelmed with guilt. 

9. SALVAGE (VERB): (बचाना) rescue 
Synonyms: save, restore 
Antonyms: abandon, forfeit 
Example sentence:
All attempts to salvage the Danish cargo vessel have been called off. 

10. CONCEAL (VERB): (छिपाना) hide 
Synonyms: cover, lurk 
Antonyms: reveal, expose 
Example Sentence: 
Why are you concealing your identity? 


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