
Friday, June 7, 2019

♦️Daily Vocab Part 34♦️

✅331). Incitement (Noun)
👉Definition: the action of provoking unlawful 
behaviour or urging someone to behave unlawfully
👉Synonyms: egging on, urging, goading, spurring 
on, motivation, persuasion, inducement
👉Usage: this amounted to an incitement to commit 

✅332). Presumably (Adverb)
👉Definition: used to convey that what is asserted is 
very likely though not known for certain
👉Synonyms: assume, I expect, I believe, I presume, I 
take it, I suppose, I imagine
👉Usage: it was not yet ten o'clock, so presumably the 
boys were still at the pub

✅333). Feudal (Adjective)
👉Definition: according to, resembling, or denoting the 
system of feudalism
👉Synonyms: antique, archaic, gothic
👉Usage: the feudal system

✅334). Coercion (Noun)
👉Definition: the action or practice of persuading 
someone to do something by using force or threats
force, compulsion, constraint, duress, oppression, enfo
rcement, harassment
👉Usage: it wasn't slavery because no coercion was used

✅335). Ruthlessly (Adverb)
👉Definition: without pity or compassion for others
👉Synonyms: merciless, pitiless, cruel, heartless, hard-
hearted, hard, stony-hearted
👉Usage: they fell prey to money lenders who ruthlessly 
exploited them

✅336). Sway (Verb)
👉Definition: move or cause to move slowly or 
rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to 
swing, shake, oscillate, rock, undulate, move from side 
to side
👉Usage: he swayed slightly on his feet

✅337).Brook (Noun)
👉Definition: a small stream.
👉Synonyms: stream, small 
river, streamlet, rivulet, rill, brooklet, runnel
👉Usage: the Lake District boasts lovely lakes and 
babbling brooks

✅338).Breach (Noun)
👉Definition: an act of breaking or failing to observe a 
law, agreement, or code of conduct
👉Synonyms: contravention, violation, breaking, non-
observance, infringement, transgression
👉Usage: a breach of confidence

✅339). Heeded (Verb)
👉Definition: pay attention to; take notice of.
👉Synonyms: pay attention to, take notice of, take note 
of, pay heed to, be heedful of
👉Usage: he should have heeded the warnings

✅340). Rhetoric (Noun)
👉Definition: the art of effective or persuasive speaking 
or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of 
speech and other compositional techniques
👉Synonyms: oratory, eloquence, power of 
speech, command of language, expression, way with 
👉Usage: he is using a common figure of rhetoric, 


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