
Friday, June 7, 2019

♦️Daily Vocab part 35♦️

✅341). Brinkmanship (Noun)
👉Definition: the art or practice of pursuing a dangerous 
policy to the limits of safety before stopping, 
especially in politics.
👉Synonyms: risk, hazard, menace
👉Usage: in any game of brinkmanship, it is possible 
that one side will collapse suddenly

✅342). Flee (Verb)
👉Definition: run away from a place or situation of 
👉Synonyms: run, run away, run off, make a run for it, 
run for it, take flight, be gone, make off
👉Usage: to escape the fighting, his family fled from 
their village

✅343). Pragmatist (Noun)
👉Definition: a person who is guided more by practical 
considerations than by ideals.
👉Synonyms: guide, dedective
👉Usage: hardheaded pragmatists firmly rooted in the 
real world

✅344). Impeachment (Noun)
👉Definition: the action of calling into question the 
integrity or validity of something.
👉Synonyms: challenge, question, call into 
question, cast doubt on, raise doubts about
👉Usage: the prosecutor's detailed impeachment of the 
character witness

✅345). Scandals (Noun)
👉Definition: an action or event regarded as morally or 
legally wrong and causing general public outrage
👉Synonyms: outrageous wrongdoing, outrageous 
behaviour, immoral behaviour, unethical behaviour
👉Usage: a bribery scandal involving one of his key 

✅346). Brazened (Verb)
👉Definition: endure an embarrassing or difficult 
situation by behaving with apparent confidence and 
lack of shame
👉Synonyms: put on a bold front, put a bold face on it, 
be defiant, be unrepentant, be impenitent
👉Usage: there was nothing to do but brazen it out

✅347). Reluctance (Noun)
👉Definition: unwillingness or disinclination to do 
👉Synonyms: unwillingness, disinclination, lack of 
enthusiasm, hesitation, hesitance, hesitancy
👉Usage: she sensed his reluctance to continue

✅348). Manoeuvre (Noun)
👉Definition: a movement or series of moves requiring 
skill and care.
👉Synonyms: operation, exercise, activity, move, 
movement, action
👉Usage: snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres
on precipitous slopes

✅349). Succor (Noun)
👉Definition: assistance and support in times of hardship 
and distress
👉Synonyms: aid, help, a helping hand, assistance, 
ministration, comfort, ease, relief
👉Usage: the wounded had little chance of succor.

350). Anti-apartheid (Noun)
👉Definition: opposed to a policy or system of apartheid.


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