
Friday, June 7, 2019


1. FOMENT (VERB): (उकसाना): instigate 
Synonyms: abet, incite 
Antonyms: calm, lull 
Example Sentence: 
Despite popular beliefs, the police are here to keep people calm, not to foment violence. 

2. SPEW (VERB): (वमन करना): spit out 
Synonyms: expel, throw up 
Antonyms: contain, restrain 
Example Sentence: 
Rina is going to spew right here in the car. 

3. DEMURRER (NOUN): (आपत्ति): argument for ideas. 
Synonyms: discussion, explanation 
Antonyms: denial, sympathy 
Example Sentence: 
The headmaster was about to enter a demurrer when the bell rang. 

4. HARNESS (VERB): (उपयोग करना): curb 
Synonyms: exploit, utilize 
Antonyms: liberate, release 
Example Sentence: 
He harnessed solar power to generate energy. 

5. RUCHED (VERB): (मोड़ना): fold 
Synonyms: bend, curl 
Antonyms: flatten, unbend 
Example Sentence: 
Priya ruched his collar and threatened him. 

6. OBLIGATE (VERB): (विवश करना): constrain 
Synonyms: bind, restrict 
Antonyms: free, let go 
Example Sentence:  
All banks obligate people to repay their loans or take the chance of their credit being ruined. 

7. OVERSIGHT (NOUN): (भूल): lapse 
Synonyms: mistake, fault 
Antonyms: accuracy, correction 
Example Sentence:  
Harry apologized for not inviting me to his wedding, insisting that it was an unintentional oversight.

8. PEER (NOUN): (समकक्ष व्यक्ति):
person who is another's equal 
Synonyms: compeer, coequal 
Antonyms: follower, disciple 
Example Sentence: 
We have a peer that bullies our classmates for their lunch money on a daily basis. 

9. ONUS (NOUN): (दायित्व): burden 
Synonyms: liability, encumbrance 
Antonyms: advantage, blessing 
Example Sentence:  
As your mother, it is my onus to prepare you for a successful future. 

10. TERMINUS (NOUN): (अन्त): end 
Synonyms: closing, conclusion 
Antonyms: beginning, commencement 
Example Sentence: 
The river terminus is positioned close to the park, causing flooding from time to time


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