
Friday, June 7, 2019


1.CADGE (VERB): (भीख मांगना): beg 
Synonyms:  scrounge, sponge 
Antonyms: donate, give 
Example Sentence: 
She asked me to cadge help in the hour of need. 

2. OVERTHROW (VERB): (तख्ता पलट देना): abolish 
Synonyms: conquer, depose 
Antonyms: hold, keep 
Example Sentence: 
Other regiments which assisted in the overthrow of the French column were the 23rd, 40th and 58th. 

3. DISSOLUTION (NOUN): (विघटन): separation 
Synonyms: disintegration, partition 
Antonyms: unification, combination 
Example Sentence:
The dissolution of the empire was remarkably swift. 

4. PARRY (VERB): (बचाव):  avoid 
Synonyms: deflect, evade 
Antonyms: encounter, encounter 
Example Sentence:
She parried the danger somehow. 

5. OBLIVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (बेपरवाह): unaware 
Synonyms: inattentive, unconcerned 
Antonyms: attentive, aware 
Example Sentence:
An example of oblivious is someone walking out into the street without looking to see if a car is coming. 

6. BAIT (VERB): (प्रलोभन): entice 
Synonyms: tempt, seduce 
Antonyms: repel, repulse 
Example Sentence: 
She knows the ropes how to bait him. 

7. COMMISERATE (VERB): (समवेदना प्रकट करना): sympathize 
Synonyms: compassionate, feel for 
Antonyms: be indifferent, be stoic 
Example Sentence:
As a mother, I commiserate strongly with the woman whose child was kidnapped. 

8. PIQUANT  (ADJECTIVE): (स्वादयुक्त): flavourful 
Synonyms: poignant, savory 
Antonyms: flavourless, tasteless 
Example Sentence:
Because there is a piquant smell coming from the kitchen, I can’t wait for dinner to be ready. 

9. AKIN (ADJECTIVE): (समान गुण वाला): analogous 
Synonyms: comparable, similar 
Antonyms: unlike, dissimilar 
Example Sentence:
As a loving parent, Anne believes her children’s artwork is akin to museum masterpieces. 

10. ADO (NOUN): (हलचल): fuss 
Synonyms: confusion, stir 
Antonyms: calm, peace 
Example Sentence: 
These guests are making ado at my place.


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